Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My Past Week

We went up to Spokane last weekend. Dad taught me how to drive. Seein' over that wheel was pretty hard though, I gotta say.

Everybody loves the classic "baby asleep on pop" picture, so here's one of me and pop.

And last but not least, I've got a cold. As a result, mom has been having me sleep in my cool swing so that my head can stay elevated. However, I've discovered this fun new game where whenever someone tries to put me in any sort of upright position, I slide down as far as I can. So here I am, trying to slide out of my swing. But about the cold thing, I just want you all to know that I'm being a real trooper. I sneeze and sniff all day, but with a smile. I threw up all over mommy's floor yesterday, and then just laid there and smiled as she cleaned it all up! What a trooper!


Steve Becker said...
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Steve Becker said...

You're the best, baby. And the best baby. I'm glad you got to sleep on pop. Sometimes pop will keep you from getting to sleep.

Glad dad taught you how to drive. He's a very good driver, but sometimes he's a little bit racy. Don't drive fast like dad. You're too young to get a ticket.