Sunday, December 30, 2007


If any of you are familiar with the Friends episode where Phoebe tries to teach Joey french, then you'll have a pretty good idea of what the following dialogue between Bella and Andrew looked like tonight after dinner.

Andrew: say "a b c"
Bella: a e c b
Andrew: no, say "a b c"
Bella: a c c

(repeat twenty times)

Andrew: say "a"
Bella: a
Andrew: say "b"
Bella: b
Andrew: say "c"
Bella: c
Andrew: say "a b c"
Bella: A C B C! Yaayyyyy!!
Andrew (shaking head): no. Say "a b c"

(repeat ten times)

(now repeat the first round another ten times)

Andrew: say "a b c"
Bella: a c d c
Andrew: say "a"
Bella: K!

(at this point, mom ends up on the floor howling with laughter and dad is trying his darndest to keep a straight face)

Continue this for about fifteen straight minutes and you get a feel for how it all went.

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