We decorated Christmas cookies sometime last week. We wanted Lella to get a chance to help, especially with the sprinkles. I put some in a small cup for her so that she could pinch out bits and put them on the frosted cookies. She, of course, picked up the cup and dumped the sprinkles on the cookie to form a mound, and then proceeded to draw in it with her finger. Brilliant. Here's the cookie and the kiddo enjoying the cookie:
We held off on getting our Christmas tree this year because we wanted to fit everyone in comfortably for Thanksgiving. So we got the tree the day after Thanksgiving instead of the day before. B was spending the night at the grandparents' (so we could hit all the black friday deals bright and early!), so she was quite interested to see this great green monstrosity in our living room when she got home!
As a true child, Lella loves the snow. Whenever she sees snow she says, "Snow! Awesome!". Now that the snow has melted, she looks outside and says "All gone snow." It's all very cute. Here she is watching one of our first snowfalls.
As a true girl, Lella loves shopping. She finds shopping bags and goes 'shopping' around the house. This generally involves finding things and putting them in the bag and walking around. Here are the results of one of her shopping trips:
And, last but not least, Papa got a new laptop. Wanting to be just like dad, Lella had me pull out my old laptop for her so that she could sit on the couch and 'play computers' with dad. Too cute.
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