Monday, August 11, 2008

Miss Rosey

Bella has a new nickname, and it is Rosey, because she has roseola. What started out as a 4 day long fever last week resulted in a few visits to the doctor (we met some nice new ones) and a very long and agonizing time at the hospital trying to get her to, well, give a urine sample (I know she'll hate me for writing that in a few years). We (and the doctors) originally though she had a UTI, so she spent a number of hours on the potty and in other uncomfortable situations until we finally got a sample and determined that she did not in fact have an infection. The doctor at the hospital mentioned that it might be roseola, and when we got her up the next morning and noticed the rash all over her face and body (and the sudden lack of fever), we knew that that was it. So for the past two days we've been calling her "Rosey" and trying to keep her away from mirrors because she is now scared of her face. She also doesn't like to look at her belly, because it's all splotchy too. Anyhow, here's a few pictures of our little Rosey.

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