Saturday, November 01, 2008


We went out to my parents' house again this year for dinner and trick or treating. Bella was MUCH more interested in the candy this year, and scarfed up her dinner in record time in order to qualify for more candy. She practically ran from house to house asking "Are we going to trick or treat AGAIN?!?!" with a look of glee on her face. The sugar high was very apparent, despite how little she had. We realized that we never have candy in the house (except the occasional dark chocolate bar), and so it made sense that the few pieces she had would throw her over the edge.

This year, Bella went as a doctor, because that's what she said she wants to be. A doctor who helps babies. We're guessing this stems from watching too much ER/House, having stethoscopes and cpr dummies lying around the house, and having parents who are basically nerds. Anyway, so we ordered her some kids scrubs, gave her a pen light and one of Andrew's stethoscopes, and as a result we now have the cover photo to her med school application.

Dr. Bella was very helpful with all the leaf raking that had to be done as well.

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